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The Gospel Of Matthew

The Gospel Of Matthew | End Of The Age Discourse

We continue our sermon series in the Gospel of Matthew with The End of the Age Discourse in Matthew 24-25 where Jesus teaches about the near and distant future of the church and what it looks like for His disciples to be found ready.


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Showing items 1 to 10 of 1008

  • A Mother's Faith | Harrison Campus | Standalone Sermon

    2 Timothy 3:14-15

    Christian mothers have a unique opportunity to model a deep and real faith in God for the next generation. This sermon explores three characteristics of a mother’s faith as listed in 2 Timothy 3:14-15.

  • Mothers And The Glory Of God | Promontory Campus | Standalone Sermon

    2 Timothy 3:14-15

    Mother’s day is a wonderful reminder that the Bible calls us to honour our mothers.  As we look at the role of mothers in the Bible, we are given a beautiful window into the picture of the gospel.  Mothers point us to the Saviour, resting in the work of Jesus. 

  • A Mother's Faith | Agassiz & Lake Errock Campuses | Standalone Sermon

    2 Timothy 1:5, 3:14-15

    Motherhood is one of the most honoured and valued roles in the Bible. This sermon describes some biblical aspects of a mother’s faith that are critical to family flourishing.

  • Motherhood Matters | Chilliwack Campus | Standalone Sermon

    2 Timothy 1:5, 3:14-15

    There are a lot of hard jobs out there; motherhood may be the hardest of them all. Not only because of the selflessness required to raise children but also because of the pressure moms feel to get everything right. This Mother's Day we focus on why motherhood matters and the unique gospel role that mothers play.

  • The Grace of Giving | Harrison Campus | Standalone Sermon

    2 Corinthians 8:1-15

    Giving generously goes against the grain of our self-centered hearts. We are prone to hoard moneyand stuff, but Jesus gives us a radically counter-cultural example and gives freely and sacrificially when weleast deserve it. This grace should transform our hearts to embrace generous giving.

  • What We Need to Know About Giving | Agassiz Campus | Standalone Sermon

    2 Corinthians 8:1-15

    The Apostle Paul wrote about what the church needs to know about giving because giving mirrors and models the gospel of Jesus Christ and is a critical factor for Christian spiritual growth. This sermon will explore some biblical principles and practical guidelines for giving.

  • Joyful Generosity | Promontory Campus | Standalone Sermon

    2 Corinthians 8:1-15

    What is it that makes our generosity Christian?  There are plenty of generous people in the world, are we called to just do the same as them or is there something particular about the generosity of Jesus?  As his followers we are called to imitate his example, with a heart rejoicing in God, that longs to see his glory shown in our giving.

  • Gospel Generosity | Chilliwack Campus | Standalone Sermon

    2 Corinthians 8:1-15

    No area of our lives is off limits in our discipleship to Jesus. So what effect does the radical generosity of Jesus toward us have on how we view and use money? This sermon unpacks what gospel generosity looks like.

  • Are You Ready? | Promontory Campus | The Gospel Of Matthew: The End Of The Age Discourse

    Matthew 24:36-51

    If you've been a Christian for a while then you've probably heard a sermon or two on the theme of Jesus' second coming...but how much does that teaching actually affect your life?  Does it alter the value that you place on certain things?  Does it cause you to think twice before choosing things which are contrary to God's values?  In this passage Jesus drives home both the need to  be prepared...and the danger of becoming complacent with this age-old teaching.

  • How To Wait For Christ's Return | Agassiz Campus | The Gospel Of Matthew: The End Of The Age Discourse

    Matthew 24:36-51

    We don’t like waiting and our patience gets exhausted quickly. However, for those who are in Christ, the waiting for His return brings great blessings and an immeasurable joy. Today, as we study this passage, we’ll learn what is expected of us as we wait for the certain return of our Lord and Saviour.